Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nest Building, Again!

Earlier this Spring we had a pair of Mourning Doves decide to nest on our patio. I *really* didn't think they would finally settle there, but they did, and produced two little "dove-ettes" who thought living with us was grand. After all their nesting site was under the patio roof, protected from the glaring sunlight and out of the way of rain! But, after they officially were able to leave the nest we had one of those high wind days and their former nest was now in my flower bed. Not to worry, I see them hanging around the sprinklers in the front flower beds and they seem to be happy living around our house.

Well, that was okay until last week. We went to Tucson for the week and when we came back the doves had decided to build their new nest atop my patio ceiling fan. (This photo was after my Sweetie brushed most of the twigs off the fan housing. Squeeky-Wings is wondering where it went!) We knew this because the sticks and twigs were covering our patio seating area. I got a couple of photos, but after my husband had pretty much cleaned up the detritus on the ground.

After some discussion with my Sweetie I convinced him to allow me to relocate the twigs to a new, more acceptable area on the patio. He agreed. However, the Doves (who I affectionately call Squeeky-Wings) seemed to understand me initially, and went to investigate their new location, but ultimately didn't like it as well as the fan housing.

I know these Doves are very persistent when they like a nesting location. So, we have had the patio fan running on low ever since last week. Hopefully Squeeky-Wings will get the message.

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