Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday, America!!

I love America. There's no denying it. I've travelled to Europe, South America, the Canary Islands, and though these sites are beautiful and different than the U.S.A. they cannot compare somehow. I remember returning from my first trip abroad. I was so glad to get back to American soil I could have kissed the tarmac at JFK. I do appreciate America and all it stands for, good and not so good. We are a nation who wanted to be self-governing and made tracks to do just that. Thank you founding fathers!

Well, our picnic was cancelled, unfortunately for us. I was looking forward to visiting with our friends and enjoying the 4th celebration, but they were called out of town for the birth of their very first grandbaby. Who can compete with that?

In the meantime, my Sweetie and I worked around the house and spent time together. We rearranged my sewing room and moved my loom to the living room (not many choices in my little home) and now I have some more space for sewing.
Here I am at my machine. I've also included a photo of one of the fabrics I used to make patriotic Florence Nightingale scrub hats.

Stop by my Etsy site and check out my other patriotic hats.

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